Saturday, February 19, 2005

Mountains of Fall

Now this took much longer to post than I had intended (or more precisely, I really have not worked on this in like forever). The progressing is coming along nicely, I just need to set some time aside to paint. I tried something a bit different and went right to work with the Unison pastels instead of the Rembrants. It turned out okay, but it just mearns that I will be using more workable-fix on the backend (which this piece desperately needs, if it ever is not raining and below freezing on the same day).

I really like how the deep purples folding into shadows, just the way I was hoping. I think with more details, this could turn out to be a very strong piece. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.

Mountains of Fall
16x20, charcoal on Canson Mi-Teintes board Posted by Hello

Mountains of Fall (detail)
16x20, charcoal on Canson Mi-Teintes board Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Painitings of Snow

It would seem that paintings about snow are one of my favorite subjects. Just one of those funny observations that you make when you finally begin to catelogue the work you have done over the years.

I probably should have posted these a few weeks ago, it would have been more appropriate after the foot and half of snow that we received. And as should be evident from their style, these are older paintings done in the mid-nineties before I really knew anything about pastels and how to work them. I had no idea aobut uses workable fix to add depth. Nor did I know about the more expensive pastels. I was in grad school at the time and the $35 purchase for a set of landscape pastels was a luxury expense
($35 = 7 meals at Taco Bell). Glad I bought them. It is sometimes good to go back and look at the older stuff, it certainly gives me perspective.

Wintry Twilight
9x12, pastel on paper Posted by Hello

Ice Mountain
9x12, pastel on paper Posted by Hello